Monday, April 7, 2014

Official Party Post

The party started at 3:30, when Vince Zhao arrived at the party. Check here to see one of his awesome videos!  By the way, sorry for not posting, I went to see the new baby yesterday and my family and I stayed much longer than expected. And my cousin stayed from Thursday to Sunday and if I didn't hang out with her she'd use it against me one day. Soon, Nicholas and Michael Paterala knocked on our door. Second later, Sheep M. knocked too. Ok, his name isn't Sheep but he didn't want me using his real name. Sheep is his nickname. I mean, when he raises his hand in class the teacher calls on him, "Yes, Sheep?" I mean, it's cool, but- Oh, I'm rambling on aren't I? Let me say one more thing, I wish I had a cool nickname like Sheep or Whisko. Oh, and this is my first time taking a part in a blog hop.
Now that everyone has arrived, we can start the goofing off. But first, presents! This was a no presents party, but of course my family got him toys. Then, I forgot which member, gave him a new toy. It was circle shaped and had a scratcher in the center, and a ball rolling around the edge. I attempted to draw it, but I suck at drawing.

Though it may not seem like it, that's one of my best drawings. Vincent also gave Whisko a card. Everyone went upstairs and I tried to call them down to play Kitten Chase, but only my brother, Eric, Nicholas, and Alyssa, my cousin came down, all with Nerf guns. I asked them what was going on and they said they were playing war. I joined in, and the opposing team won round 1. That's all I remember of round 1. Then we started round two, but we drafted. It was me vs. Eric. I drafted first. The line-up came to this.

Team Flufferball (My team):

Team Rebellion (Eric's team):
Sam (Vincent's younger brother)

There were two bases, Blue and White. Both of us wanted Blue, as it was filled with weapons and ammo. We had a shootout. Vincent and Nicholas stood back to back, both having finger guns or whatever. They each took ten steps forward, right before Michael called, "DRAW!" It was a tie, we tried again, this time only taking 5 steps forward. "Draw!" Vincent won, we won Fort Blue! 
We set up shop and grabbed weapons. Sheep was medic, and healed dead soldiers. A medic had 5 lives, and if they lost all of them, you couldn't reheal your soldiers. In other words, you were screwed. You couldn't be shot in your base, so he stayed inside the fort. I was the grenade launcher. I stood guard of our base, hidden. And when someone came near, bam! I hit them with a ball-pit ball,  which were grenades, I guess. Vincent stood right outside our adversary's base, and when ever someone exited, bam! Nerf gun to the head! Michael stood guard halfway between bases, armed with a powerful Nerf gun.
Halfway through the battle, no progress was made. Soldiers fell, but were rehealed. Medics didn't die, nothing. We needed a stronger force. The floor of our fort was littered with junk. That's when I had rested, thinking about the new Marvel movies, as I'm a big fan. On the floor I then noticed a giant Frisbee, about X3 the size of Whisky. Across from it was a roll of duct tape. I then had an idea. I took a large piece of duct tape and folded it, making it not sticky on either side. I then used more of the roll to tape that piece of duct tape to the back of the Frisbee. Using it as a handle, I was now Captain America, able to use the Frisbee as a shield and a weapon. The second half of round 2 started, and I charged up to their base, deflecting Nerf bullets with my shield. Finally, I reached the top and killed the medic, right before getting hit. I knew Sheep wasn't coming out of the base to save me, but then I remembered. He took the space of grenade launcher and gave me the Medic spot. We were definitely going to win now... Part 2 coming soon!


  1. So nice to meet a new blogging furiend! :-) Oh and your drawing is great! SO much better than I could ever do!

  2. Thanks! Nice to meet you too. Meows and purrs from Whiskers!

  3. Vince never told me about ur blog. Awesome job! Thx for the shoutout and Murry Churstmas. WE miss You!

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