Monday, April 14, 2014


Time to get documentary-ing! Like I previously mentioned, I'll post my part tomorrow. I am also writing a book about Whisko. I'll have a chapter 1 preview soon! In the meantime, start the documentary post storm! I hope... Oh, and on June 1st I'll post an update to the TPD schedule. Any questions? Email me at

Thursday, April 10, 2014


You don't have much time left to decide if you want to vote for your favorite Pet Documentary story! Get to polling! The Documentary officially starts in 4 days! I recommend planning out your posts soon. That's why instead of just telling you the theme every week, I plan ahead so all of you can plan your amazing posts! I encourage you to do this, bloggers! Also, later today or tomorrow will be another post similar King Flufferball and The Tunnel, my most famous post. On April 14th I will post Party Post 3, but instead of posting it on this blog, it can be found here. And on April 15th or 16th I'll post Whiskers Plays Flappy Bird. That's the upcoming schedule! Get to documentary-ing, my friends!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Whiskers Life, Updated, Updated!

As you can see, many changes have been made. If you have any recommendations email me at

If you check at the side of the page you can see there is a "Featured Pet Blogs!" You can email a link to your blog and the title of it, and you will be put into the list! That's all for now!

Documentary Update! + Party Post Part II

(If you are reading this, it will only make sense if you read the previous post about this documentary. You can read it here. You will also have to read this.)

First of all, sorry for not posting Cat Vocab 2. I may not be on for a while due to school, so I want to say this just in case I'm not back by April 14th. For the pet documentary, if you had a pet that passed away, you can still write about how you think they would react, but you must include somewhere in the document/blog post that your pet has passed. If you decide to write about a past pet, that is. That's all for now. Let's continue the party!

Where did we leave off? Oh, yes.

I got up, no one knew how, since no one told them I was medic. I ran down near Michael, deflecting bullets shot at him. If anyone came down near me with a Sword of Dark Bane, in other words, a glow in the dark sword, I'd get them with my shield. Speaking of which, I don't know if I mentioned that my shield also doubles as a weapon.
It came down to the point where Team Rebellion conducted a base raid. Like mentioned in the previous party post, you can't get killed while in base. However, you can take items from another's base. After noticing they were infiltrating our base, I ran up. I couldn't stop them, as a soldier with a sword blocked the way. But Sheep prevailed, being our new grenade launcher. He launched grenades at all of the adversaries, and took back our weapons. They were forced to retreat, and we won that part.
I went back down near Michael, who had stood guard just in case a member of the opposing left with a weapon, he could shoot them down and steal the weapon. Then Sam came rushing down towards us, with none other than The Humongous Spiky Ball of Mass Destruction and Spikiness. Or, a giant inflatable green spiked ball. That was practically an instakill weapon, as it's force could knock even me over with one swing. I ran quickly, and, I admit, kind of cowardly. When I entered the next room, there was Nicholas, holding a Nerf gun, aimed at me. I heard Michael get hit by THSBMDS in the distance. Sam walked up behind me. I, Captain America, was trapped. Part III coming soon!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

IMPORTANT: Talking Pet Documentary!

NOTE: This is the first post today, I will make another post today, Cat Vocab 2. Tomorrow I will post Party Post 2 and Whiskers Plays Flappy Bird: Preview)

Ok, I am starting a "Talking Pet Documentary" and I need the help of all you readers with any kind of pet!

The documentary starts on April 14th, 2014. I don't know the end time yet, as it depends how many people take part in this. Basically, every week there will be a "theme". I will have the schedule at the bottom of this post, but the subject from April 14th to April 20th will be Flappy Bird. (If you do not know what Flappy Bird is, or have never played it, download Splashy Fish on your device, as it is just a remake of Flappy Bird after the owner took it off the market.)
What you must do to take part of this varies, and there are multiple options, but you must know this: What you must do, regardless of your method of choice, is write a blog post/story. You must write it from your pet(s) point of view. You must infer how your pet(s) will react to the subject. For instance, from April 14th to April 20th, you must write what you think your pet(s)' feelings would be if they could talk, and they have played multiple rounds of Flappy Bird.

If you have a pre-existing blog for your pet:

First, make a post on your blog about your pet and the theme. After publishing the post, you must send an email to that is in this format:

First and Last Name:
Pet's First Name:
Title Of Post:
That Post's Theme (EX: Flappy Bird):
Link To Post:
Date That Post Was Published On Blog:
Current Date:

After sending an email in that format, you will become a part of the documentary. You do not have to continue taking part in the documentary, but it will be very much appreciated.
NOTE: If you have multiple pets, you can: Ok, let's say I have 2 cats, Fluffy and Cutie. I can either,
Post about Fluffy
Post about Cutie
(You may rotate. That means one week you can post about Fluffy, then the next week Cutie, or vice versa)
Post about both, but you must make two separate posts, sent in two separate emails.*

If you do not have an existing blog for your pet:

You must go to link
If you don't have an account, you must create one. It's free!
After creating an account, if you don't have one already, you must click create, then click document.
Type up your story about your pet there.
Once you're done, name the document "Pet Documentary: [INSERT THEME HERE]"
After that, click on the share button in the top right corner.
A window will pop up. In the search bar at the bottom of the screen, type in
Click "Add Message"
Type in the following;

First and Last Name:
Pet's First Name:
That Story's Theme (EX: Flappy Bird):
Date That Story Was Written:
Current Date:

Change "Can edit" to "Can comment"
Click share.

Done! You will become a part of the documentary. You do not have to continue taking part in the documentary, but it will be very much appreciated.
NOTE: If you have multiple pets, you can: Ok, let's say I have 2 cats, Fluffy and Cutie. I can either,
Write about Fluffy
Write about Cutie
(You may rotate. That means one week you can post about Fluffy, then the next week Cutie, or vice versa)
Post about both, but you must make two separate stories, written in two separate documents.*

Every week I will post the story I think is best, so try to get on the blog! Once this documentary is finished, I will post every story in a large post. Contact me at for any questions.


April 14th - April 20th: Your pet plays Flappy Bird.
April 21st - April 27th: Your pet meets celebrity of your choice.
April 28th - May 4th: Your pet is home alone for 1 hour.**
May 5th - May 11th: Your pet finds a clever hiding spot, where you can't see them.
May 12th - May 18th: Your pet gets into the sugar and goes crazy.
May 19th - May 25th: Your pet downloads a meme generator
May 26th - June 1st: Your pet enjoys the wonders of the upcoming summer**

*If there are two asterisks next to a post on the schedule, if you have two pets you can combine it into one post/document.

**Can include multiple pets if you own multiple pets.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Official Party Post

The party started at 3:30, when Vince Zhao arrived at the party. Check here to see one of his awesome videos!  By the way, sorry for not posting, I went to see the new baby yesterday and my family and I stayed much longer than expected. And my cousin stayed from Thursday to Sunday and if I didn't hang out with her she'd use it against me one day. Soon, Nicholas and Michael Paterala knocked on our door. Second later, Sheep M. knocked too. Ok, his name isn't Sheep but he didn't want me using his real name. Sheep is his nickname. I mean, when he raises his hand in class the teacher calls on him, "Yes, Sheep?" I mean, it's cool, but- Oh, I'm rambling on aren't I? Let me say one more thing, I wish I had a cool nickname like Sheep or Whisko. Oh, and this is my first time taking a part in a blog hop.
Now that everyone has arrived, we can start the goofing off. But first, presents! This was a no presents party, but of course my family got him toys. Then, I forgot which member, gave him a new toy. It was circle shaped and had a scratcher in the center, and a ball rolling around the edge. I attempted to draw it, but I suck at drawing.

Though it may not seem like it, that's one of my best drawings. Vincent also gave Whisko a card. Everyone went upstairs and I tried to call them down to play Kitten Chase, but only my brother, Eric, Nicholas, and Alyssa, my cousin came down, all with Nerf guns. I asked them what was going on and they said they were playing war. I joined in, and the opposing team won round 1. That's all I remember of round 1. Then we started round two, but we drafted. It was me vs. Eric. I drafted first. The line-up came to this.

Team Flufferball (My team):

Team Rebellion (Eric's team):
Sam (Vincent's younger brother)

There were two bases, Blue and White. Both of us wanted Blue, as it was filled with weapons and ammo. We had a shootout. Vincent and Nicholas stood back to back, both having finger guns or whatever. They each took ten steps forward, right before Michael called, "DRAW!" It was a tie, we tried again, this time only taking 5 steps forward. "Draw!" Vincent won, we won Fort Blue! 
We set up shop and grabbed weapons. Sheep was medic, and healed dead soldiers. A medic had 5 lives, and if they lost all of them, you couldn't reheal your soldiers. In other words, you were screwed. You couldn't be shot in your base, so he stayed inside the fort. I was the grenade launcher. I stood guard of our base, hidden. And when someone came near, bam! I hit them with a ball-pit ball,  which were grenades, I guess. Vincent stood right outside our adversary's base, and when ever someone exited, bam! Nerf gun to the head! Michael stood guard halfway between bases, armed with a powerful Nerf gun.
Halfway through the battle, no progress was made. Soldiers fell, but were rehealed. Medics didn't die, nothing. We needed a stronger force. The floor of our fort was littered with junk. That's when I had rested, thinking about the new Marvel movies, as I'm a big fan. On the floor I then noticed a giant Frisbee, about X3 the size of Whisky. Across from it was a roll of duct tape. I then had an idea. I took a large piece of duct tape and folded it, making it not sticky on either side. I then used more of the roll to tape that piece of duct tape to the back of the Frisbee. Using it as a handle, I was now Captain America, able to use the Frisbee as a shield and a weapon. The second half of round 2 started, and I charged up to their base, deflecting Nerf bullets with my shield. Finally, I reached the top and killed the medic, right before getting hit. I knew Sheep wasn't coming out of the base to save me, but then I remembered. He took the space of grenade launcher and gave me the Medic spot. We were definitely going to win now... Part 2 coming soon!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Party Post!

The party's over. but it was fun! I'm tired so I'll sum it up, and post the rest of it tomorrow. We opened presents, played war, ate, played Slenderkitten, played more war, then they left.

The Whiskers Life, Updated!

Check out the new polls at the bottom of the screen, along with the mail subscription-er and translator! You can also see my followers and follow me on the right side, along with searching the blog! Just an update on some new features! More features to come.

Shared Birthdays

Not today's party post, but a large note! My baby cousin was just born! Her and Whisko share birthdays! Her name is Kennedy, and she was literally just born. Whisko is not officially 1 year old until 1:07, when he was born. But I must share that King Flufferball shares a birthday with my new cousin!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cat Vocab Part I

I just had to post again today, as I'm addicted to blogging. You can see the term Whisk on this post.

Meatloaf (From Life With Dogs And Cats)

noun The position when a cat has all paws tucked in underneath them.

Lazy Hanger

noun Another position in which a cat has one paw hanging off a ledge of some sort.


noun The pose in which the cat is curled up into a tiny ball

Purr-Purr Whisko

noun  Whiskers when he is purring.

Meow-Meow Whiskers

noun  Whiskers when has meowed.

Shadow Kitten

noun  Whiskers when he is located in a dark place


noun  An exclamatory sound made when Whiskers misbehaves, after hearing this sound, Whiskers behaves.

That's all! Sorry for the overposting today, I just started and I'm excited.

Party Preparations Part II

(In my last post, I started telling you more about our Little Whisking Flufferball and how we're setting up for his party. Read Party Preparations Part I.)
So first let's talk about Whiskers. He is a "brony". He likes My Little Pony, just like me. How do I know this? Every Saturday morning at 9:30 he sits down on the couch, and waits for us to turn on the HUB Channel. I don't currently have any pictures, but I do have this:

Also, if you read our previous post, I said we were creating the cupcake stick things. Here they are:

30 sticks for 30 cupcakes, 15 white, 15 chocolate. Now that's what I call fit for a king! (King Flufferball, that is.) There are currently cat toys littered across the ground, and I am cleaning as I type this. I am really surprised that this is my second day with this blog and it's been visited 60+ times. I can't wait to tell Whiskers he's famous! If you have clearly seen Whiskers, you'll notice he has some excess "cheek fluff".

Of course in this photo I smoothed it out, so he seemed fancy. I'l have a picture tomorrow with his cheek fluff. I made this photo with an Ios app called Aviary, I recommend it. In this next picture we focus more on Whisky's face, making it look like an older camera took a picture adding some other effects.

So I'll see all of you tomorrow, where I'll post about the party! Whiskerskinz says, adieu.

Party Preparation Part I

So today we are preparing for Whiskers' birthday party tomorrow. Now this may seem extravagant, throwing a birthday party for our cat. But he's already spoiled, so if he's going to be spoiled, he may as well be the most spoiled kitty ever. He's turning 1 year old. More facts are: He's a tabby cat, and I think part Maine Coon, I would have to recheck the papers. He was adopted on June 30, 2013. Now he's used to the school schedule, and waits by the door everyday when I come home. So, anyway, we are making preparations. Youtuber Vince Zhao will be there, check out his channel! And I've invited all my close friends. We're making cupcakes and the little sticks that go into the cupcakes. They all have different pictures of Whisko on them. I'll have a picture in part II for you guys. That's all that's happening right now. Read part II later today. Sorry for no pictures, I'll make up for it later.

Small note, not today's official post.

Check out for my brother's Whiskers blog.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

King Flufferball and The Tunnel

So this fluffy tale all started when my grandmother came out with a tunnel, claiming it was for Whiskers, and he'd play with it. I 100% doubted he'd play with it. I mean, we've had a tunnel before and Whiskers didn't even touch it. So I 100% doubted he'd even go near this tiny tunnel

However, My brother took these pictures, and hid the fact that there was a hole inside it.

Of course, its hole was there on purpose when we- ahem, my mom, bought it. And apparently Whiskers loves that hole. I walk in later that day to see this: Whiskers inside the tunnel, having a ball.

And I actually laughed. Look at some of the antics he pulled off.

In the first one, he stuck his head out of the middle hole, which was my favorite of these moments. In the second he just went back inside of his tunnel, and his paw was still sticking out. The last one is just Whiskers' back, and his immense fluff leaking out of the middle hole. You can see more pictures in a future post, Fluffy Loves His Toys.

Whiskers: King Flufferball

This is a Blogpaws Blog about my cat named Whiskers and his crazy escapades. Just a small note. You also must know these terms if this will make any sense.

Whisk (wisk)

noun: The trait of being fluffy or cute. (That kitten has whisk!)

Whisking (wis-king)

Verb: The act of being whisk (That kitten is whisking!)

Adj: Having whisk.  (Look at that whisking kitten!)

I hope that made sense. If not, sorry. Oh yeah, he also has tons of nicknames. So yeah, I'll start posting soon.